Mumbai :(News Desk) According to Global Times Media Report, The well-known Indian Model,Actor And dancer Malaisha Doll said that the global epidemic corona virus is causing mental distress to the people.She said that the prevention of the global corona virus is possible only by taking precautionary measures.It is worrying that the coronavirus global pandemic has now spread all over the world, which could be a threat to humanity.
The coronavirus global pandemic has disrupted the education system.Lockdown has increased the problems of the business community.Corona virus global epidemic has wreaked havoc on the country’s economy which is causing damage to the country and the people,she added.
At this time,we all need to follow the government’s precautionary measures to eradicate the global corona virus.”People should take precautionary measures to get rid of the coronavirus,”said Malaisha,A Doll well-known indian actor,model and dancer,in a press statement with Global Times Media Europe.
The global epidemic has killed millions and millions are victim of the global epidemic which is unfortunate.She further said that may God bless those who died from the global epidemic and grant patience to the survivors and may God bless the victims of the global epidemic of coronavirus,May God get people healed as soon as possible.
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